Licensing and Registration

Florida Board of Physical Therapy Licensing Seal

To learn more about the licensure process, select the type of license you wish to apply for from the list of professions below.

The Board has made every effort to include the information you need to apply for licensure on this website. You can visit our Help CenterFAQs and Resources page for frequently asked questions, links, forms, applications and other helpful information.

Florida law provides that an initial application must be reviewed within 30 days. Listed below is the current average number of days at which staff are processing each application type.

2024 Dates & Deadlines for PTs:
All deadlines are 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

Test DateRegistration & Payment DeadlineJurisdiction Approval Deadline(1)Seats are reserved for candidates until:Scores Reported to Jurisdictions
January 23-24December 19January 3January 9January 31
April 24-25March 20March 27April 10May 2
July 24-25June 19June 26July 10August 1
October 29-30September 24October 1October 15November 6

2024 Dates & Deadlines for PTAs:
All deadlines are 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

Test DateRegistration & Payment DeadlineJurisdiction Approval Deadline(1)Seats are reserved for candidates until:Scores Reported to Jurisdictions
January 3-4November 29December 6December 20January 11
April 3-4February 28March 6March 20April 11
July 2-3May 28June 4June 18July 11
October 8-9September 3September 10September 24October 17

(1) This is the latest date that your state board can notify FSBPT that you are eligible for the examination. It is your responsibility to ensure your jurisdiction has what it needs to approve you to sit for the NPTE by this date. NOTE – Some states may have earlier application deadlines.

Choose a Profession or Registration

Foreign Trained Physical Therapist & Assistant by Endorsement

Foreign Trained Physical Therapist & Assistant by Examination

U.S. Trained Physical Therapist Assistant by Examination

U.S. Trained Physical Therapist Assistant by Examination with Temporary Permit

U.S. Trained Physical Therapist by Examination

U.S. Trained Physical Therapist by Examination with Temporary Permit

Out-of-State Telehealth Provider Registration